Asymptomatic infection from COVID-19


Some 81% of 128 COVID-19 infections detected on a cruise ship were asymptomatic, according to a study in Thorax.

  1. The prevalence of COVID-19 on affected cruise ships is likely to be significantly underestimated, and strategies are needed to assess and monitor all passengers to prevent community transmission after disembarkation.
  2. Rapid Ab COVID-19 testing of patients in the acute phase is unreliable.2
  3. The majority of COVID-19-positive patients were asymptomatic (81%).
  4. The presence of discordant COVID-19 results in numerous cabins suggests that there may be a significant false-negative rate with RT-PCR testing. Follow-up testing is being performed to determine this.
  5. The timing of symptoms in some passengers (day 24) suggests that there may have been cross contamination after cabin isolation.

Separately, in JAMA Network Open, researchers report that asymptomatic COVID-19 is more common among women and younger adults, based on an analysis of 78 patients in Wuhan, China. For example, the median age of asymptomatic patients was 37, versus 56 among the symptomatic. Of note, asymptomatic patients shed virus for a median of 8 days (vs. 19 days among the symptomatic).