Use of personal protective equipment against coronavirus disease 2019 by healthcare professionals in Wuhan, China: cross sectional study


A study in The BMJ highlights the efficacy of personal protective equipment (PPE) in limiting transmission of SARS-CoV-2 to healthcare workers. The study included 420 doctors and nurses who went to Wuhan, China, to treat COVID-19 patients for 6-8 weeks. All received protective suits, masks, gloves, goggles, face shields, and gowns and were trained in their proper use. Participants worked, on average, 16 hours per week in ICUs and were exposed to at least one aerosol-generating procedure. None became symptomatic during their time in Wuhan. Upon returning home, all were tested three times for SARS-CoV-2 and also underwent antibody tests. All test results were negative. The researchers write, “Healthcare systems must give priority to the procurement and distribution of personal protective equipment, and provide adequate training to healthcare professionals in its use.”